Unhooking from memories and images

How can I unhook from painful memories and images? Learn techniques to manage and reduce the impact of distressing thoughts and memories.

We all get hooked by frightening images of the future or painful memories of the past. Your mind creates these cognitions to keep you safe.

When hooked by images or memories, we…

  • give them all our attention,
  • react to them as if they are happening right now, and
  • treat them as things we need to avoid or get rid of. 

This happens especially because these images can trigger unpleasant emotions, urges and sensations.

When we manage not to get hooked, we…

  • recognise their true nature: pictures in our mind,
  • give them full attention when they are useful, and
  • realising that they are not threats to get rid of.

Unhooking from memories and images is like that of words, so that previous methods (such as naming) can be applied here as well. However, because of the strong physical response, ‘dropping anchor’ first will often be necessary.

Some techniques specific to memories and images are the following. First, imagine a difficult image or memory and notice how it is affecting you. Then…

  1. Imagine it on a small television across a room. Turn the tv around, fast-forward, play back, turn to black-and-white and back to colour… The goal is to see the image for what it is: a harmless picture.
  2. Add subtitles. For example, “the story of…” when it is a memory or image that often reoccurs.
  3. Add a fitting (or intentionally un-fitting) soundtrack.
  4. Imagine the image on different ‘screens:’ the T-shirt of a jogger, a poster in a bedroom, a flyer on the street.

Repeat this exercise as often as you can manage. Through practice, images and memories will slowly fade to the background, like an actual TV.

All prior techniques are essentially a form of exposure therapy. They trigger the old neural pathways for you to lay new ones (new responses) on top of them. Just like with actual exposure therapy, practice is essential.


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