How can I choose the best plants for different indoor environments? Discover the top plants for offices, kitchens, living rooms, and bathrooms to improve air quality.
Inspired by yesterday’s post on high CO2-removal plants, I was curious which plants are particularly suitable for certain indoor environments. This is then based on the type of pollutants that typically occur in these environments. Here is a summary of the selection (based on an ChatGPT inquiry).
- Offices: Snake plant, Peace lily, Areca palm (remove ozone, benzene, and VOCs from printers and adhesives).
- Kitchens: Rubber plant, Spider plant, Philodendron (combat formaldehyde, ammonia, and xylene from cooking materials and cleaning agents).
- Living Rooms: Boston fern, Rubber plant, Peace lily (address pollutants from furniture, textiles, and varnishes).
- Bathrooms: English ivy, Aloe Vera, Peace lily (eliminate mold spores, ammonia, and VOCs from cleaners).