Welcome to the identification survey/over-identification test. Please answer to what extent you relate to each of the 10 statements below.
Final questions on participant characteristics are only used for future study.
Social interactions, especially with multiple and unfamiliar people, are very tiring to me.
I tear up when someone else cries, even when it is played (e.g. in a movie).
In social situations, I become a watered-down version of who I really am.
I find it hard to access my own needs and feelings when I am with others.
I’m greatly affected by the mood of people or groups with which I interact.
I tend to move to the background in social situations where many others are involved.
In social situations, it feels as if I am no longer in control of what I say or do.
I never feel free and loose, my body is always under some kind of tension.
I’m constantly trying to assess how I appear to others.
I perform much worse at things I’m usually good at when people are watching.